Mary`s book, Pathway to Peace and Joy Beyond Infertility, describes her personal experience: how a Christian woman experiences her status as an infertile woman, walks out the relational, spiritual, and emotional issues, and comes to peace with God`s unique role and plan for her life is the topic of the book Pathway to Peace and Joy Beyond Infertility. Within the pages of this book, the author, an infertile Christian woman, explores her feelings and attitudes and those of other women with a similar experience. She addresses the issues:

  • Infertility as a life-changing, spiritual and emotional issue comparable to the impact of disability or death.
  • Infertility directly affects a woman`s self-concept and relationships in marriage, career, others, and trusting God.
  • What Scripture says on infertility and childlessness.
  • Whether adoption is a good alternative for a childless couple.
  • Whether a childless life can be full and joyful.

The author explores her feelings and attitudes and those of other women with a similar experience from a biblical worldview. It`s about searching for answers in Scripture and in conversation with her Lord to bring her to a place of healing and point other infertile women to a healing path.

You may purchase the book on Amazon, at New Harbor Press, or at all major book retailers.